Tag Archives: Camden

Adventuring: Maine, Day 5

Boynton McKay

Boynton McKay

Our second day in Camden, 5th on the road, was a foodie’s dream! We woke in the morning to walk into town (finding a geocache along the way) for breakfast at Boynton McKay Food Company.

I first heard about this restaurant in a Food Network Magazine feature about the best breakfast in each state. Boynton McKay was the choice for Maine. Housed in what served as the main pharmacy/apothecary in Camden for decades, relics from the former business line the walls of the tiny eatery.

Boynton McKay Interior

Boynton McKay—It's always coffee time in Camden, ME!

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Adventuring: Maine, Day 4


On the fourth day of our road trip, we dropped my nephew off at preschool and said goodbye to the dogs and my sister & her husband.


Skippy taking a rest on Kevin's knee


Penny, who I think is half cat, basks in the sun

We headed off to Camden, where my parents spend 9 weeks each year, an hour and a half north-east.


Our Route from Falmouth to Camden

Our Route from Falmouth to Camden


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